Infinity - Map Mod


Map Mod for BombSquad

Created by: Froshlee14
Modpack: None

The eternal and infinite cycle (or just a flipped 8) can be seen displayed in this Jenga-built arena. The small amount of terrain can be seen as the bane of existence for anyone that likes to run away too much from their enemies; of course unless they know how to round around the corners without falling off. The map has a feeling of balanced uneveness in the side corridors of the map and the pillars inside the gaps, which could be used to take cover from any bombs coming from the side.


1 comment:

  1. I gotta be honest, this map is actually pretty decent.
    Doing some cleanup to save space and it's actually a dang good map.
    If I can use it in JRMP, that would be pretty cool.
    (not many people get this chance)


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